This haiku series is 4 U Ruffie, dahlink-
My Rafa & Our Lucky 7
My lucky number-
plus total Grand Slam finals
between 2 ballers.
Only one can win-
Nineteen matches played, Rafa
won last five meetings.
Who's better player
determined last year - Rafa!
Holds Number One spot.
Mentally solid,
Two 5-setters in a row,
one day off to rest.
Mind keen and focused
physically primed to win-
does not disappoint.
Herculean feat-
dahlink Rafa pulls it off!
Proves to be The Best.
First since Agassi,
wins on all 3 surfaces-
clay, grass and hardcourt.
Rafa - first Spaniard
to win first Aussie Open-
Nadal aces All.
--with luv from your Contessa ChiChi, 2/1/09