Saturday, April 3, 2010

Roddick bests my Raffie!


Waaaaah! Waaaaah! Sez somebodies. You'll never see or hear Rafa go Waaaaah! He's a gracious loser. The man is the epitome of Grace. Some have eet and some don't. More Don'ts than Dos, amigo. See? Rafa has class. We have a Superman, Superdog, Superduperpooperscooper, but now we have [drum roll pleeze] Superclass!! And it ees Raffie!

The way Contessa ChiChi sees it, Andy Roddick has upped his game - a lot - over this year. Roddick is back! He's destined to whoop some asset belong to other baller, si? Too bad Roddick play aggressively and manage to zap Raffie out of hees comfort zone using different strategy. Roddick lost to Raffie the last 3 matches they played. Today, Andy say, 'Enough! Today ees my day and my win!' Good for you, Andy! Someday, at sometime, somewhere you might be member in my Raffie's league.

You see, amigos, Raffie is about sportzmansheep. He's not about.. smashing ees racket.. or throwing eet down court.. or.. hitting himself over the head until blood squirts out all over hees handsome hair.. or outfit. No. Rafa ees about Discipline, Determination and Dignity. How can he be any other way than perfect? After all, he is with moi! Ta Ta!

[Psssst. Andy. Come closer. [Andy give Contessa ChiChi hees ear.] Andy. I theenk Rafa let you win. He like you.]

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